Würth IT Switzerland AG is a global IT service provider for the Würth Group.
Würth IT Switzerland AG was founded in 1999, but emerged from various IT departments that have been active on the market since the 1960s. We play a leading role in the development of new business models and the digitalization of existing corporate processes at Würth Group companies. Würth IT Switzerland' range of services includes SAP systems, service & support, data center management and Würth Global Services (WGS) for communication, collaboration and security within the Würth Group. Würth IT Switzerland AG employs around 150 people at its locations in Chur and Rorschach in Switzerland and is in daily contact with the Würth Group's other IT companies in Germany, Switzerland, Italy, China, India and the USA, enabling it to provide first-class support to customers around the globe!

The Würth Group is the global market leader in the development, production, and sale of fastening and assembly materials. The Würth Group operates worldwide and currently consists of more than 400 companies with more than 2,700 branches and shops in 80 countries. In its core business, the manufacturing of assembly and fastening materials, the Würth Group is a firmly established market player.